  Hi, my name is Andrea-Mae du Preez also known as Poppet. I was born on the 2nd of April 2008 at just 33 weeks gestation. My mommy and daddy had been married for a very long time before I came along. They decided to foster a little boy, my big brother Mark-Antony as they had tried for 6 years to have a baby and to their surprise after twelve years of marriage I decided to join in on the fun. My family are however a little worried about me because I don’t like food very much. On the 12th of January 2009 they decided that I should get my nutrition via a peg/mic-key directly into my stomach instead of a nasal gastric tube which as the name suggests is a tube that used to go through my nostril all the way down to my stomach.

We have exhausted all our avenues here in South Africa to help me overcome my aversion of food and now we NEED to go Austria.  The hosipital has a 99% success rate with children like me. 

Having a G-tube in your tummy has side effects like delays in physical development, speech impairments, lack of social skills together with delayed growth and not to mention the risk of infections.